Wisdom Tooth Surgery

The pre historic human had large jaws and big teeth, as he was a hunter, eating raw. As times evolved, the size of jaw and teeth have reduced to a smaller size, as humans now consume mainly refined and cooked food. As a result, the 3rd molars also known as wisdom teeth do not get enough space to erupt in the mouth properly. They are mostly stuck within the jaws, or if erupt, come out towards the cheek, causing problems like cheek bite and recurrent infections and swelling. Wisdom tooth has nothing to do with your wisdom, it is named so as it erupts at the age of 17-24, which is the age of gaining maturity as an adult. In most of the cases, this third molar is out of reach of proper tooth brushing or any dental treatment, owing to its awkward eruption. Hence it is removed in most cases when it creates a problem. It is removed in a small surgery where small cut is placed in the gums overlying the tooth, the tooth is removed in pieces using a drill and the wound is closed with stitches. As much fearsome as it may sound, if done by an expert, the procedure is smooth with minimal post-surgery discomfort. Experience happiness! Experience hassle free wisdom tooth surgery at Chiranjeevi!


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